Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Christmas Cantata Concert - 'Born A King'

Come and enjoy this modern Christmas Cantata sung by the Ohinemuri Singers. Entry by donation.

Sunday 12th Dec in Paeroa - at St Pauls Church Willoughby Street 7.00pm

Saturday 18th Dec in Thames - at St Georges Church Mackay Street 7.00pm

Sunday 19th in Waihi - at St Johns Church Seddon Street 6.30pm (as part of the Waihi Combined Churches Christmas Celebration)

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A Musical Potpourri Concert

Paeroa: Memorial Hall Friday the 10th of September 7pm
Waihi: Salvation Army Hall Monday the 13th of September 7pm

Adults: $5
Children: free admission

The singers will be performing a varied selection of music from Mozart to Mr Sandman. Carol Woodd will be performing on Piano and Katrina Wickham on flute to complete our Musical Potpourri Spring Concert.

Born A King - A Christmas Cantata

Christmas 2010 for the Ohinemuri Singers is all about celebrating the Festive Season in Song. We will be singing the modern musical-style Christmas Cantata 'Born A King' by American composer John Peterson.
The music consists of a full SATB score and solos qnd duets for both men and women. Catchy tunes and and upbeat score, give the singers a new, modern version of their traditional Chritmas Carols concert.
Practices involve weekly rehearsals and a couple of workshop afternoons to introduce the music. Each singer is given a copy of the music and a CD of the music to practice with.
We would love to have some new singers join us to celebrate Christmas 2010 in song!! There is no requirement to read music and no experience is required. We welcome all ages to our choir and members from the wider district our welcome to join us for this fun music project.
Rehearsals begin at the Paeroa Co-opertaing Church next to the Domain and National Bank in Paeroa on the 20th of September at 7.15 pm and again for an afternoon workshop on Sunday 26th of September (2 to 5pm) at the same venue, to introduce the music.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Miss Saigon

Miss Saigon is a West End musical by Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil, with lyrics by Boublil and Richard Maltby, Jr. It is loosely based on Giacomo Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly, and similarly tells the tragic tale of a doomed romance involving an Asian woman abandoned by her American lover. The setting of the plot is relocated to the 1970s Saigon during the Vietnam War, and Madame Butterfly's American Lieutenant and Japanese geisha coupling is replaced by a romance between an American GI and a Vietnamese bar girl.

It premiered at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, in London on September 20 1989, closing after 4,264 performances on October 30 1999. It opened at the Broadway Theatre in New York City in 1991. It subsequently opened in many other cities and embarked on tours.

The musical represented Schönberg and Boublil's second major success, following Les Misérables in 1980. As of April 2009, Miss Saigon is still the 10th longest-running Broadway musical in musical theatre history.

Let me know if you are interested in going to this as a group: Click on the picture to take you to the website with further details on pricing and times etc.

Song Selections

Set Me as a Seal

Matona Mia Cara

For the Longest Time (Full choir)

For the Longest Time (Men)

Pastime with Good Company Henry VIII

In Flanders Fields

Every Time I Feel the Spirit

Laudate Dominum

Going Again

After a slight technical glitch (forgetting the password...), we are ready to go again. The following are a selection of pieces I am keen to sing and would like your feedback on whether or not you would also like to sing these.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

BOP Music School

Tauranga - April 9th to the 11th
Click on the University of Waikato logo to take you to the site for the Bay of Plenty Music School where you can view biographical information on the conducters for this weekend and also download the enrolment form. Hope to see some of you there!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Eres Tu

Translated as 'Touch the Wind'. Eres Tu was the Eurovision song for 1973. It also featured in the recent movie 'Brokeback Mountain'. Here are a few different versions. (Great for pronounciation of the Spanish text!)

Fascination Nat Cole

Monday, 22 March 2010

Useful Websites

Click on the logo to take you to a useful site site with a lot of useful information and diagrams that will be a lot easier to follow than my funny gestures and explanations!!!

Another great site of a local NZ Music business with a lot of valuable information:

Both worth spending a bit of time having a look around :)

Mr Sandman SATB


Welcome to the first ever post for the Ohinemuri Singers Blog.

The Ohinemuri Singers currently have members from the greater Waihi and Paeroa district who meet weekly on a Monday night to sing choral music. We are currently singing a few different works and I will upload some vidoes so you can see some of these songs performed by various people (not us yet!).

Feel free to check back regularly and comment :)